Polybranchia orientalis (Kelaart, 1858)

カンランウミウシ Polybranchia orientalis
Photographed by
nobuhiko KIMOTO Nobuhiko
Sokodo(Mitsumata), Hachijo Island, Tokyo, Japan
Water temperature


Body translucent brown with minute dark brown spots covering entire surface in some specimens, giving animal dark appearance. Rhinophores translucent, with single pale brown line and minute brown specks throughout; small translucent papillae without colour evenly distributed on their surface. Pericardium white, typically very conspicuous. Ceratal peduncle with snowy white pigment in depression. Cerata fan-shaped, translucent and speckled with cinnamon brown throughout, with two dorso-medial yellowish patches, some with single black dot. Two large papillae on dorso-medial surface of each ceras; one large, yellow, near ceratal tip; another smaller, yellow, below first papilla. Additional papillae on dorsal and ventral cerata surface white, minute and inconspicuous. Cerata margin outlined with pale yellow. Foot colour unknown.


Sri Lanka, Philippines
Medrano S., Krug P.J., Gosliner T.M., Biju Kumar A. & Valdés Á. (2018). Systematics of Polybranchia Pease, 1860 (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Sacoglossa) based on molecular and morphological data. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. , available online at http://10.1093/zoolinnean/zly050/5077298
Medrano S., Krug P.J., Gosliner T.M., Biju Kumar A. & Valdés Á. (2018). Systematics of Polybranchia Pease, 1860 (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Sacoglossa) based on molecular and morphological data. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. , available online at http://10.1093/zoolinnean/zly050/5077298
